Bornfree! The Unassisted Childbirth Page
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Bornfree is a site dedicated to the belief that women are the true experts of birth. Drugs, machinery, and medical personnel are no match for a woman's own intellect and intuition. Birth is sexual and spiritual, magical and miraculous - but not when it's managed, controlled, and manipulated by the medical establishment. Our hope is that the articles and stories on this site will help women and men to cast off their fears and begin to believe in their own abilities.Bornfree is a site dedicated to the belief that women are the true experts of birth. Drugs, machinery, and medical personnel are no match for a woman's own intellect and intuition. Birth is sexual and spiritual, magical and miraculous - but not when it's managed, controlled, and manipulated by the medical establishment. Our hope is that the articles and stories on this site will help women and men to cast off their fears and begin to believe in their own abilities.