Drug & Alcohol Abuse Freeing Parents of Adult Alcoholics and Addicts
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As parents you capitulate even as you destroy your own fragile financial security. You hand over cash, even though you know it?s useless, often wondering if your child?s problem is something you caused. You post bail, buy cars, pay rent, doctors? and attorneys? fees, and pay for treatment that they rarely see through and that usually doesn?t work even when they do. Funds intended to benefit the grandchildren disappear without benefiting anyone. The cycle continues until someone dies or there isn?t anything left to extort. It seems like the only choice. But is it? Though it takes toughness that?s hard to muster and support that even harder to find, there are alternatives. It means finding the courage to face the reality without being swept away by understandable emotions. Managing this means overcoming a lot of mythology.